NEW Adult Formation Classes Available for Sign Up!

2020-2021 Adult Formation Classes


Each year our Adult Formation Ministry strives to bring our parish opportunities to grow their knowledge and faith on this earthly journey towards Heaven.

Adult Formation Classes are 50min classes teaching about some aspect of our Catholic Faith. Theses take place right here on our St. Joseph’s campus in various meeting rooms and school classrooms. They take place on Sundays, between the 8am and 11am Masses, from 9:30am-10:30am. Classes are taught by various parishioners and sometimes have special speakers that travel from around the Baton Rouge Diocese.

This year - despite COVID’s best efforts - this ministry continues to deliver on their mission! Take a look below on what this year’s classes are being offered and sign up for any of them that tug at you.

“God walks into your soul with silent steps. God comes to you more than you go to Him. Never will His coming be what you expect, and yet never will it disappoint. The more you respond to His gentle pressure, the greater will be your freedom." 

-Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Sacred Music History – the Music of the Psalms

Sept 13th, 20th, 27 th, Oct. 11th, 18th, 25th

Rhonda Rhonda Sorg-Rossano - Choir Room

We sing at least one Psalm at nearly every Mass-the Responsorial Psalm between the reading of the Old Testament Scripture and the Epistle or Gospel. We also sing a Psalm every time we sing the Communion antiphon. Recently, we have heard additional Psalms prayed in chant as Mass begins and during the Offertory as directed by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. Why are the Psalms so important to our liturgy? Continue reading and sign up…


Sept 13th , 20th, 27th

Mike Fulmer – School Library

Typology is the first and oldest method of Scripture study. Join Mike Fulmer as he leads a 3-part Bible study and unlocks many of the mysteries hidden in Old Testament Scripture. Continue reading and sign up…

Human Trafficking – Hidden in Plain Sight

Oct. 11th

Danielle Van Haute with the Diocese of Baton Rouge – School Library

This presentation will include a broad range of information about human trafficking. The many misconceptions we often have about human trafficking, recognizing warning signs, how to report it, measures we can take to fight it, and more. All while recognizing the dignity of the human person. Continue reading and sign up…

The Sacraments (by Bishop Barron)

Nov. 1st , 8th, 15th, Dec. 6th, 13th

Ben and Rachael Perrin – School Library

The great sacraments of the Church—Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Reconciliation, the Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders—have endured for thousands of years and structured countless lives. Everything in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them.
But there is far more to these ancient rites than meets the eye. Continue reading and sign up…

Be Seen With Your Mother

Jan. 3rd 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, Feb. 7th

Savanna Balado – School Library

Ever pondered the fact that we share a Mother with the God of the universe? If you think about it, it’s truly amazing! Many of us know that the life of Jesus is foreshadowed all throughout the Old Testament, and just how Jesus is the “New Adam,” so Mary is the “New Eve” and plays a crucial role in our redemption. Continue reading and sign up…

How to Give Your Testimony

Feb 21st, 28th

Sarah Fox – School Library

How to Give Your Testimony Part 1 1 Peter 3:15 says, "but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence." If someone were to ask you why you're a Christian while in a check out line, could you do it? Continue reading and sign up…

Veritatis Splendor

Mar 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

Richard Coffey – School Library

Join us for four sessions as we take a closer look at The Splendor of Truth. This encyclical letter by Pope Saint John Paul II was six years in the making and was published in 1993 following the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The encyclical presents the moral life as something that is not external to us. It is something that satisfies our capacity for goodness and happiness. In other words, the truth is friendly to us. It fills us with joy. Continue reading and sign up…

Called and Gifted

Sundays Sept 13th – Mar. 28th
(There will be some Sundays off. Please see schedule.)

Lisa Kennedy - Mrs. Notariano’s Classroom

Charisms or spiritual gifts are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them the power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people.
What would you like to see? Our parish filled with enthusiastic worshipers? Lapsed Catholics returning to the practice of faith? Growth in Stewardship and giving? Parents actively passing on the faith to their children? Faith Formation classes filled with eager participants? New ministry leaders? More priestly and religious vocations? Continue reading and sign up…