Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Contact: Church Office 985-386-3749
Description: Catechesis for youth Kindergarten -5th grade who don't attend Catholic Schools, providing help to their parents with resources and knowledge to be effective Catechists in their homes.
Frequency: Sundays 9:30-10:40 AM September- April
Online pay is now available through our Parish Online Giving system*. You may pay online or at the church office. Feel free to call the office with any questions! (985) 386-3749
PSR Stations of the Cross

PSR Curriculum
Gospel Weeklies
This is the curriculum we use for grades K-8 PSR
You can find Sunday gospel Videos, worksheets, and seasonal resources for students, parents and catechists by grade level.
To access restricted content you will need to create an account using your own email and submit our St.Joseph's customer number which is 1109196. Resources
The Eucharist for Little Children
A 20 minute video explaining the Mass, the priest's vestments, and how the communion hosts are made.
Elements of the Catholic Mass
Short 2-3 minute videos explaining why we do what we do at Mass
Resources on, especially good for parents of 2nd graders receiving 1st sacraments
For Sacramental preparation with extra sessions for children receiving 1st Holy Communion and their parents.
For Sacramental preparation with extra sessions for children making their 1st Confession and their parents.
Children’s Liturgy
At Sunday morning Masses, children pre-K through 1st grade leave Mass after opening prayer to gather in the Church conference room with a volunteer where they read and discuss the Sunday readings and then return to the Church for the offertory. Below are a few of our volunteer's favorite resources:
CatholicMom Sunday Gospel activities
Sunday Gospel coloring sheet with suggestions for the family on living liturgically and celebrating Feast days.
Catholic Kids bulletin
Gospel coloring sheets for each week. Consider screening Catholic Mass to your home on Sunday and have these handy to discuss the gospel with the kiddos.