Whether you are here for a baptism, marriage, confession, or another sacrament, we want to welcome you in and celebrate with you!
If you are interested in helping with sacramental formation click the button below to see our list of ministries available.
A baptism class for parents and godparents is a prerequisite.
Please call the church office for the schedule of Baptism Classes 985-386-3749

8:30am Tuesday and Thursday after Mass
4pm Saturday
Holy Communion
For a child’s First Communion, call Nicole Richard at 985-386-3749
For an adult’s First Communion, click the button for RCIA info.

Confirmation prep starts in 9th grade. For more information call our High School Youth Minister, Nicole Richard, at the office at 985-386-3749.
Holy Matrimony
Contact Fr. McDuffie or a deacon at least 6 months before the date desired.
Office number: 985-386-3749
Email: pmcduffie@sjscrusaders.org