Outreach Ministries
My House Ministry
Description: 12 Step Catholic program for Men who are addicted to Pornography and other sexual acting out.
Requirements: Must receive a card from Priest in Confession prior to calling the leader. Person is screened by Priest in Confession then confidential call to leader for group entry.
Frequency: 1 day every week at 6:30 PM
Nursing Home Ministry
Contact: Angela Pevey 985-507-5757/ Ron Huguet 504-232-2484 (communion service only)
Description: We offer Communion service at The Phoenix in Hammond and Ponchatoula Community Care Center. We also bring Communion to residents in their rooms once a week. The rosary is offered on various days. Volunteers are needed.
Requirements: For helping with Communion, a brief training in serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion; confirmed in the Faith; 18 years of age and older; a Catholic in good standing & a parishioner of St. Joseph Church. Additionally, Safe Environment (online) training with the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
Frequency: Weekly
PAL-Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
Contact: Mary Jo Balado 985-320-3010/ Paige Bacille 985-981-8010
Description: PAL provides hope through education and support to parents of addicted loved ones. The PAL group is facilitated by a peer, someone walking the same path. While the focus is on parents, all family members and friends are welcome to attend. The guiding principals of PAL are confidentiality, respect, acceptance, and support. There are two parts to the meeting: an educational component and sharing component.
Requirements: Participants must be 18 or older
Frequency: Meets second and fourth Thursdays of the Month
Prison Ministry
Contact: Wayne Vedeckis 504-453-7855
Description: Attend meetings at Rayburn Correctional Center in Angie, LA
These include:
1. Prison Fellowship Seminar Friday evening/Saturday morning and afternoon any or all sessions 5 times per year. Nondenominational, Christian enrichment and sharing.
2. Catholic Faith Sharing Thursday evening from 7-8 PM including Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Spiritual Communion, faith enrichment, sharing
3. One day with God twice a year, once at Hunt Correctional, help with activities while children spend the day with their Fathers on a Saturday.
Requirements: 18 years or older
Gate Pass/background check per single event
PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Training annually for volunteer service.
Consists of one day, three hour training/education program.
Frequency: Varies (See Description)
Respect Life
Contact: Ed & Julie Hanks 985-351-3143
Description: Bring awareness to St. Joseph’s parish of pro-life causes and activities and opportunities to get involved
Frequency: October: 40 Days for Life abortion clinic prayer vigil and Nation Wide Life Chain outside St. Joseph’s Church on Hwy 22.
January: Attend State and National March for Life
Every Thursday Prayer outside of Abortion Clinic
St. Joseph Bereavement Food Ministry
Contact: Cheryl Laiche 985-386-2033/ Sheila Guillot 985-320-4490
Description: Provides food to the Bereaved family at the time of the funeral. If family requests, we offer a Mass or food. We make sure they know the Church cares and gives them a chance to talk to others going through this. Bereavement also includes a quilting ministry for those who’s loved one passed away and a memory can be created of the person who passed.
Frequency: As needed. Quilting team meets on the first Tuesday of every month in the St. Benedict room
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Contact: Ralf Lesaicherre, Jr. 985-507-2888
Description: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing and healing individuals and families in our community who have no where else to turn for help. As important, SVdP provides meaningful opportunities for volunteers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion. Our food pantry is always in need of food donations. Beans, Rice, cereal and canned goods would be greatly appreciated. Any food donations can be brought to the kitchen just off the Narthex of the church.
Requirements: If you are interested in joining our St. Vincent de Paul Society, please contact Deacon Larry Melancon at (985) 386-3749. Training can be arranged so that you can assist those in our area who are in need.
If assistance is needed from the Society, please call (985) 370-5459. You will receive a recorded message. You will need to leave your name, phone number, and a brief message. A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will then get in touch with you to arrange for a home visit.
Frequency: Currently, meetings are held every other Tuesday at 6:30 PM. in the St. Dominic conference room in the Ministry Center.
Stephen Ministry
Contact: Anita Perrin 985-687-4458 Ronnie Perrin 985-507-9765
Description: Stephen Ministry is a one on one, confidential grief ministry (death, divorce, loss of a job, family issues, or other troubles that arise). When you are trained as a Stephen Minister, you will be able to help someone (know as a care giver) during their crisis. A Stephen Minister will visit with their care receiver weekly to listen, show empathy, give support, pray and show God’s love to a hurting person. The ministry is open to anyone of any faith over 18 years old.
Requirements: Anyone over 18 with a compassionate heart and a willingness to help
Frequency: As scheduled
Surviving Divorce Ministry
Contact: Angela Perrin 985-318-4927
Description: 12 week parish program that brings healing and hope to divorced and separated Catholics or non-Catholics. Help is provided with advice from experts, counselors. theologians, and Priests. Author and presenter Rose Sweet guides participants from pain and loneliness to hope and healing. Practical advice meets spiritual growth through the Sacraments, teachings of the Church, Theology of the Body, and wisdom from experts and others who have suffered divorce. As divorced and separated Catholics experience this pastoral program, their lives are rejuvenated, their hope is restored and their faith in Christ in His Church renewed.
Requirements: Confidentiality Statement
Frequency: Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm in the Conference Room of the Church
Unbound Ministry
Contact Fernando Morales 985-662-2844 Angela Perrin 985-318-4927
Description: UNBOUND Ministry is an approach to deliverance and healing prayer developed by Neal Lozano. A group of parishioners are trained to facilitate Unbound. A team of two trained parishioners would be selected or assigned for each individual session. Parishioners may choose their facilitators from the list of trained parishioners if they wish.
+ The focus of the UNBOUND model is on an individual as you deeply listen to their story and heart.
+ UNBOUND is a safe, loving, effective prayer model that helps people to respond to the good news of the gospel.
+ UNBOUND applies the truth to our lives by using five basic responses called the Five Keys
+ The Five Keys are: Repentance & Faith, Forgiveness, Renunciation, Authority, and the Father’s Blessing
Frequency: Scheduled appointment
Baptismal Bibs
Contact: Gina Wempren 985-507-1329
Description: This ministry created bibs for the children being baptized at St. Joseph Church. All material and time of sewing and embroidering to create the bibs are donated by Mrs. Wempren.
Frequency: As needed
Angel Wings
Contact: Julie Ayme 225-610-6975
Description: A ministry for women that have had a loss involving stillbirth, miscarriage, infant death, ectopic pregnancy. The support group would be a safe place to deal with the emotions of life after hearing the words, “I am sorry but…” A place to talk with other moms that have experienced this still taboo subject. The women in the group would also receive various resources and take part in activites to help the grieving process move forward to closure. Julie Ayme was on the Board of Directors for 5 years with HUGGS of LA, a support group that grew out of Women’s Hospital Support Group. Julie is also a trained Stephen’s Minister.
Requirements: Women who have had the experience of a stillbirth, miscarriage, infant death or ectopic pregnancy who needs support on their journey of grieving.
Frequency: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 6:30-8:00pm