A Community That Heals


We all have stories that are filled with ups and downs. If you were asked what your favorite memory was would you know it right away? What trials have you come through? What one instance in your life has made you stronger? Still stings when you think about it? Is your go to favorite story to tell?

God’s gift of memories can be such a source of joy! However, sometimes we can hold on to memories that perpetuate hurt. The Lord tells us to live in the present:

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” - Isaiah 43:18-19

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day. - Matthew 6:34


Now, does this mean the Lord does’t want us have dreams and to plan for the future? That He doesn’t want us to enjoy memories of our childhood because they are ‘things of old’? Absolutely not! He doesn’t want us to worry about the past or be anxious about the future. Those are the key words. He wants us to look back on our past and see how He’s worked to bring us through the hard times. He wants us to plan for our future with Him for He has plans better for us than we could ever dream!

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:11

So what can we do to remove anxiety about our future and heal the hurts of our past? How can we be free to live our lives filled with peace & joy?

The Lord does not judge your for your past, He wants to heal you of the hurt! Here at St. Joseph’s we want to be a field hospital for those who are:

  • hurting

  • stuck and not sure how to move forward

  • feeling numb

  • coasting in life without feeling true joy

  • wanting to be happier but don’t know how to

  • suffering from loss or a difficult life situation

Because of that desire we have multiple opportunities for healing in our parish. And the best part? These ministry leaders have been trained, meeting with them is free, most of them meet with you according to your schedule, and kept confidential.

We encourage you to, first, go to Confession and receive any healing and grace you need. You aren’t going to speak to the priest, but to receive healing and forgiveness from Jesus through the priest. Be not afraid.

Second, we encourage you to look at the healing ministries we offer here at St. Joseph’s. Familiarize yourself with them because you never know when you, or someone you know, may need them!


Isn’t it time you found some healing?



UNBOUND Ministry is an approach to deliverance and healing prayer developed by Neal Lozano. A group of parishioners are trained to facilitate Unbound. A team of two trained parishioners would be selected or assigned for each individual session. Parishioners may choose their facilitators from the list of trained parishioners if they wish.

+ The focus of the UNBOUND model is on an individual as you deeply listen to their story and heart.

+ UNBOUND is a safe, loving, effective prayer model that helps people to respond to the good news of the gospel.

+ UNBOUND applies the truth to our lives by using five basic responses called the Five Keys

+ The Five Keys are: Repentance & Faith, Forgiveness, Renunciation, Authority, and the Father’s Blessing

Contact Fernando Morales 985-662-2844 or Angela Perrin 985-318-4927

Frequency: Scheduled appointment

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Contact: Anita Perrin 985-687-4458; or Ronnie Perrin 985-507-9765

Description: Grief Ministry. One on One accompaniment for people in crisis.

Requirements (to be a Stephen Minister, not receive ministry): 50 hours of training, 2 year commitment

Frequency: As scheduled

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Contact: Angela Perrin 985-318-4927

Description: 12 week parish program that brings healing and hope to divorced and separated Catholics or non-Catholics. Help is provided with advice from experts, counselors. theologians, and Priests. Author and presenter Rose Sweet guides participants from pain and loneliness to hope and healing. Practical advice meets spiritual growth through the Sacraments, teachings of the Church, Theology of the Body, and wisdom from experts and others who have suffered divorce. As divorced and separated Catholics experience this pastoral program, their lives are rejuvenated, their hope is restored and their faith in Christ in His Church renewed.

Requirements: Confidentiality Statement

Frequency: Once a week (more info once you’ve contacted Angela)



Contact: Mary Jo Balado 985-320-3010
or Paige Bacile 985-981-8010

Description: PAL provides hope through education and support to parents of addicted loved ones. The PAL group is facilitated by a peer, someone walking the same path. While the focus is on parents, all family members and friends are welcome to attend. The guiding principals of PAL are confidentiality, respect, acceptance, and support. There are two parts to the meeting: an educational component and sharing component.

Requirements: Participants must be 18 or older

Frequency: Meets second and fourth Thursdays of the Month



Description: 12 Step Catholic program for Men who are addicted to Pornography and other sexual acting out.

Requirements: Must receive a card from Priest in Confession prior to calling the leader. Person is screened by Priest in Confession then confidential call to leader for group entry.

Frequency: 1x every week at 6:30 PM



Contact: 985-467-9520

Description: The ministry provides a safe and confidential Christ-centered environment for women who have experienced abuse of any kind, broken relationships, abandonment, or the effects of any type of addiction (either their own or that of a loved one.)

Requirements: open to women only
- must sign a confidentiality statement and agree to abide by specific rules regarding what is discussed at meetings and how others must be treated with respect and dignity.
- the ministry is open to women of all faiths, not just Catholics
- intake interview through phone call of the number listed above

Frequency: Call contact number for info.



Contact: 985-401-2010

Description: For women who's spouse or partner is addicted to pornography or any form of sexual misbehavior.

Requirements: Cards handed out by Father and other Healing Ministry Leaders, Intake Interview through phone call to the contact listed above.

Frequency: Wednesday evening 6 PM (available to meet at other times one on one)

Don’t see a ministry you need or think other need? Please let us know!

Take a moment to pray and thank the Lord for the opportunities for healing you have already received and are seeking to receive.