Confirmation 2023

Thank you candidates for your desire to say YES LORD YES !

To the parents who support their teens in faith. To Tara Alston and Bonnie Duhon for being committed to guiding the teens in truth and love for three years ❤️ To our Bishop Duca who always is an open vessel for God’s Word through him.

To Father McDuffie and Fr Cayet for sharing the Sacrament of Confession on  retreat day . To our deacons who served in the Mass : Larry, Mickey, Nat and Ed. To our altar servers - Justin and Paul Hanks. To Rhonda and her “choir of angels. “ To the Knights  of Columbus for ushering . To ROOTED for being the hands and feet of Christ at our retreat. To the sponsors who spent a Sunday with their candidate for the SENT retreat and for walking with the candidates who chose you. To Barbara Martino for the beautiful flowers and Confirmation banner.