1st Communion 2023

So many thank you’s  for a beautiful Holy First Communion !
First to our Catechists , SJS teachers and Danette Ragusa who have prepared these little souls for this very speacial day. To our parents who have stood by their commitment to raising their children in the Catholic faith. To the families who came to join in our celebration. To Deacon Ed for teaching at the Saturday Prep Morning and serving at both Masses. To Emma Spansel and parents for all he photos. To our wonderful choir of angels led by Mrs Rhonda at 11:00 am Mass. To Mrs Ramona and cantor at 8:00 am Mass. To the ushers who helped our Mass run smoothly ( not just this day but EVERY Sunday) To our EMHCs coordinated by Angela Peavey.  To Deacon Mickey for always bringing such peace to those he serves. To Deacon Larry for his faithfulness to The Lord. To our committed altar servers. To Kaycee Widmer for the sweet sticker memory. To our gift bearers : The Burris family and the Mince family.  And to our earthen shepherd, Father McDuffie, for loving all in his flock and leading us to Christ.
To anyone else that I may have forgotten 😇

Blessings , Nicole