Monday Night's Tenebrae Service

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Tenebrae- A Service of Darkness

On March 29, the Monday evening of Holy Week, St. Joseph’s Church celebrated Tenebrae at 7pm. Tenebrae, a service of shadows commemorating Christ’s Passion, has a long history in the Catholic Church and is also often celebrated in some form in other Christian faiths during Holy Week. 

Nearly 1000 years ago, Tenebrae was originally held after midnight but later held at a variety of times. Tenebrae would be sung each day of the Triduum in a church lit only by 15 candles. These were extinguished one by one until the church was left in darkness.

At that point, a loud noise (“strepitus”) would be produced – sometimes by slamming a hymnal or other book shut, sometimes by stomping on the floor – symbolizing the earthquake after Christ’s death. Following the “strepitus, all would depart in silence.

Like the “lessons and carols” services familiar at Christmas, Tenebrae consists of hymns and readings, the ones proper to Morning and Evening prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours for the days of the Triduum. Until the mid-1950s, nearly every parish in the United States sung Tenebrae on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Today, churches with Tenebrae services usually sing them once, on a Lenten evening – not necessarily during the Triduum.

In addition to singing select Psalms of the Liturgy of the Hours, our Tenebrae Service will include the reading of Scripture and selections from a sermon by St. John Chrysostom, as well as, choral responses that invite reflection on these readings.

All are invited to celebrate this evening and continue the meditation on the Passion of our Most Beautiful Savior that begins with His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and quickly turns to the depth of his suffering in the reading of the Passion on Palm Sunday. Enter into the darkness with Jesus.  Let this be a new tradition that enhances your Holy Week.

Stephen Ministry

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought stress to all of our lives- job loss, deaths of loved ones, isolation, health concerns, anxiety, and more. In the midst of all of this, St. Joseph’s Stephen Ministry is here to help with trained caregivers. Stephen Ministers are men and women ready to help you with one-on-one care, and caregivers and care receivers are paired by gender.

Sometimes we don’t want to burden our family or friends, but we just need a good listener- someone we can speak with in complete confidence. Please know that Stephen Ministers are here to help you through whatever it is that is impacting your life.

During the pandemic, if a St. Joseph’s Stephen Minister can’t meet in person with their care receiver, they will meet by phone or video chat— whatever is most comfortable to both caregiver and the care receiver. The goal is to provide you with comfort and quality care.

If you would like more information or have any questions about St. Joseph’s Stephen Ministry, please contact Anita Perrin (985)687-4458 or Ronnie Perrin (985)507-9765.

Consecration to St. Joseph

Are you looking for something to do this Lent that you’ve never done before? Do you want to become a better version of yourself— as Matthew Kelly often asks? Perhaps you don’t know what you’re looking for, but you’re searching. In this, the Year of St. Joseph, why not spend some time really getting to know him?

In a recent video, Matthew Kelly posed the question, “Are you ready to accept God’s invitation to a better life?” So, we ask a similar question— are you ready to learn more about our Patron Saint/ our Spiritual Father/ the Foster Father of Jesus?

Using the book, “Consecration to St. Joseph” by Fr. Donald Calloway, two groups will be offered:

Sunday morning sessions after 8:00 am mass, starting on March 21st
These are open to everyone

Wednesday evening sessions at 6:30 p.m., starting on March 31st
The evening meetings will be for the men of our parish.

For more information, or to register, please contact either Ron or Terri Huget.

Ron- or 504-232-2484
Terri- or 504-450-5459