Party on the Epiphany!

The Christmas season has officially ended but the celebrating is far from over. We Catholics know how to party we just need to do the right days. As it so happens, today is one of those days!

The Epiphany is when we celebrate the Wise Men finding Jesus and honoring Him. We actually have quite a few traditions that help us to partake in this feast day.

  • Epiphany House Blessing. Ideally, you would schedule for a priest to come and bless your home (even if he can’t come Jan 6th). There are certain prayers that only a priest can bestow on your house, however you can still get some chalk blessed and follow the house blessing markings seen in the pictures on the right.

  • Down in the south we celebrate with delicious King Cake. We have the 3 colors - purple, green, and gold - to represent the 3 kings. We also celebrate when someone finds the baby representing the finding of baby Jesus!

  • Another southern tradition is to leave the Christmas tree up but to change out the Christmas ornaments with Mardi Gras decorations.

There are even more traditions found all over the world and you can check them out here.

Did you also know that it’s most likely that the Wise Men did not find Jesus on the night of His birth with the shepherds?


In fact, if we take a look at scripture, we can see that it’s more likely Jesus was about 2 years old when the Wise Men found Him. There was no speedy transportation for the Wise Men to take and they didn’t know exactly where Jesus was. First, they travel “from the East” (Matthew 2:1) to ask King Herod where “he who has been born king of the Jews” is. Then in Matthew 2:11, they went “into the house” - not the stable - to find the child Jesus. Knowing that Herod means harm to the child, the Wise Men go back home another way to avoid Herod and let Jesus’ location remain secret. By the time the news gets back to Herod some times has passed, since, you know, there isn’t any email, tagging in an Instagram post, our cute birth announcement photos passed around. Herod then orders for the slaughter of all 2 year old boys in hopes that he eliminates the threat of the new king of the Jews. Later this day of genocide is named the Feast of the Holy Innocents and we recognize this day on December 28th.

And what about those gifts?


Anyone who knows a toddler knows that Gold, Frankincense. and Myrrh are not exactly on the nose gifts. After all, aren’t they supposed to by wise? So why did they bring those three?

  • Gold was brought to represent His kingship here on earth.

  • Frankincense was brought to honor , worship, and show the divinity of Christ.

  • Myrrh represents the humanity of Jesus. It was a burial oil for His future Passion, death, and temporary burial.

What to bring to prayer


When the Wise Men did get to Jesus, they prostrated themselves. How humbling must that have been to see the Wise Men - the Three Kings from the East - prostrate before a 2 year old. Maybe take some time before digging into a piece of King Cake and read Matthew 2:1-12. Enter into the scene...
What does Mary do when she turns to see three majestic strangers from another land in her doorway wanting to see her Son? Is Joseph there? Does Jesus hide behind Mary’s skirt or does He try and climb over the prostrate men and play with them?
Jesus then runs to you and looks up at you. What do you have to bring to Him this year? Is it more of your time? Is it being opening to experiencing the gift of Him and what He has for you this year? If you don’t have an inkling on what you could give the King of the Universe that created you and is the Author of your life, don’t fret. Fr. Mark-Mary has some advice on what you can give God this Epiphany.


So, now that we’ve discussed the history of this feast day, the traditions we use to celebrate, and something to bring to prayer, what do you do now?

Now we party!

Play one of these modern covers of We Three Kings while you eat your King Cake celebrate!.