Mass Guidelines During Phase 1

There are a lot of guidelines to follow this Sunday. Because there are a lot, we have divided them below for you to view more easily.

Our staff and volunteers are following the guidance and guidelines appointed by the Bishop and Fr. McDuffie. When attending Mass please follow their directions.

It will be challenging to find our new normal, and we ask for your patience and understanding.

Regarding mass attendance (inside)

  • We can only hold 25% capacity as state mandated.  First come, first serve for the first 200 people.  

  • Must have a mask to enter the church building.  There are no masks available for people who do not bring their own.

  • No congregating in the Narthex before or after Mass.

  • No physical contact (sign of peace, hugs hello, etc.)

  • There will be no hymn sheets handed out. You can follow along with Mass readings on My Parish App or the free resources found on our Corona-virus Resource Page

  • There will be no collection baskets passed person to person like usual. Instead, you will notice a container in the middle aisle. We ask that you place your offering in the slot on top of the container, and we thank you for your generosity.

  • Ushers will lead you to a pew after being approved to come in. Please understand, you will most likely not be seated in your regular spot as certain pews will be roped off to ensure social distancing.

Regarding mass attendance (outside)

  • If you don’t make it early enough to sit inside, we will have speakers set up outside so you can still hear Mass.

  • A Eucharistic Minister will come into the Natthex during Mass to distribute Communion. Instructions for that below.

  • You may bring your own lawn chairs or stay in your car as you feel comfortable. If seated though, we ask that you remain socially distant.

Regarding receiving the Most Holy Eucharist (Inside)

  • Holy Communion will be offered under one species only – The Body of Christ. Keep in mind that when we receive only one species, we are receiving both the Body and the Blood of Christ.

  • The aisles are marked with blue tape (6 feet apart) please stand on lines and observe social distance.

  • If you are able to bring your own hand sanitizer, please use it before going up to receive Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.


  • Bishop Duca has asked, for the time being, we all receive Holy Communion in the hand.

  • When the person in front of you is receiving Holy Communion, bow and then lower your mask as you approach the minister, make a throne of your hands and receive the Body of Christ, place the Host in your mouth, as you turn to go back to your pew raise your mask back over your mouth.

  • In addition, due to the fact that physical contact is not allowed, ministers are not able to sign your forehead to bless you. So, if you are unable to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you remain in your pew.

  • Ushers will be at each pew directing people when to go up.

Regarding receiving the most holy Eucharist (outside)

  • A Eucharistic Minister will be in the Narthex. Line up in procession as you would inside the church, six feet apart, and maintain social distance.

  • If you are able to bring your own hand sanitizer, please use it before going up to receive Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.


Regarding bathroom use

  • Bathrooms will be available for those who need it.

  • Only 1 person at a time (a parent bringing a child or siblings going together are okay).

  • Volunteer will be outside each door to ensure social distance and to disinfect after each use.

Regarding leaving the church after mass

  • We will dismiss people according to pew section. Please stay seated until dismissed in order to maintain social distance.

  • You may leave by side doors but please be sure they are closed behind you.