Consecration to Jesus: What It Is and Who It's For

In 2017, Connie Triolo started the 33 Days to Morning Glory in St. Joseph’s as a ministry. Doing this Consecration to Jesus through Mary has been an enriching prayer experience to all who participate, not just at St. Joseph’s but all over the world! But what exactly is it?

Consecrate means to “make holy.” This is a way to grow closer to Jesus through a commitment in prayer. There are many different kind of consecration now, but the most popular is through His Mother, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. After all, what dutiful son would not honor the requests of his mother? Just look at when Mary told Jesus to turn water into wine even though His hour had not yet come (John 2:1-11)

Join us!

We’ll be doing a consecration and prep start April 26th. See information on the different kinds below and click here to view the event.

The different kinds of Consecration

There are several books available that make the process very easy. For a few weeks you simply follow the short, daily readings, and upon completion you prayerfully make your consecratiHere are a few recommended consecration preparation books, most of which are available through Heavenly Gifts, or by calling 985-386-3558 (leave a message and you will be answered shortly!).

Through Mary

Through Mary

Through Mary (simplified)

Through Mary (simplified)

Through Mary (simplified)

Through Mary (simplified)

Through the Rosary

Through the Rosary

Through the Gospel of St. John

Through the Gospel of St. John


*NOTE: If you’re using 33 Days to Morning Glory, accompanying videos are available in the app.

There’s also a new consecration nook to St. Joseph but we haven’t started the yet. Grab a sneak peak here!

What about during covid-19?

St. Joseph’s Consecration ministry tries to offer consecration preparation during the Spring and Summer. With the uncertainty of social gatherings at this point, we are encouraging parish members to consider doing a consecration at home this year. The date shown above is only a suggestion. Timing is not nearly as important as the consecration itself. Now would be the perfect time for each of us to grow closer to Our Lord.

for more information

Call Ron or Terri at (504) 450-5459 or Connie at (985) 507-7164