St. Joseph's Catholic Church

Mass Schedule:

Monday-Tuesday at 8:00am in the Chapel

Wednesday at 8:00am in the Church

Thursday at 8:00am in the Chapel

Saturday at 5:00 pm in the Church

Sunday at 8:00 am and 11:00 am in the Church

Holy Days of Obligation Masses will always be in the Church


Tuesday and Thursday in the Chapel at 8:30 am

Saturday in the Church at 4:00 pm

Faith formation/PSR

Sunday 9:30-10:45 am

K-1st : Early Learning Center

2nd : Cafeteria

3rd-5th : Two story classroom building downstairs

6th-8th : Ministry Building

9th-11th : Two story classroom building upstairs

RCIA : Church Narthex to St. Benedict Room on right

RCIC : Church Narthex to Conference Room on left

Scam alert

The scammers are at it again. They are sending text or email request for a response, using Father’s name. Please do not open or respond to the text or email!

Father would never ask you to make a purchase for him nor ask for your credit card information!

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The Veil Removed reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.
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